Sunday, April 6, 2014


I almost did it to myself again.  I almost got in my own way...again!  I almost allowed something, someone, some little bit of information derail me, distract me, lose focus, discourage me from my goals.  I thank God for the people he has put in my life.  I was able to get in my car, place a phone call, start my vent....but quickly and calmly my friend (my wonderful, lovely, dear bestie) helped me get focused again.  

Ok, don't get upset for what I'm about to say...these are MY opinions.  Family is wonderful.  I am blessed to have a great, loving family.....but let's be honest; just because someone is "family" doesn't necessarily mean its a good connection to have.  We can love and care for (some/certain) family members from a distance; it is what it is.  It doesn't mean you hate them, or wish them wrong doing, or don't want to be around them.  It just means you're different from each other and it mean you're NOT necessarily "friends", and that's ok. It's ok to be just family to each other with no real don't force it.  Then there are "friends".  TRUE friends, not the facebook, instagram, twitter, linkedIN, pinterest, etc. etc. friends.  Those friends are cool also but there is nothing like a TRUE friend.  One that listens to your up and downs, one that can give you advice, constructive criticism, one that doesn't judge you and accepts you as you are, for who you are; a friend is one that in return can confide in you, share their ups and downs, listen to advice, take constructive criticism and know there is no judgement in return.  A TRUE friend doesn't envy, doesn't boast, doesn't wish you harm, understands if time has gone by (because life has a way of getting in the way) and they haven't connected it's nothing personal.  That is MY definition of a TRUE friend.  If you have at least one of those then you are blessed.  I am very blessed.  I have a wonderful friend who I've been friends with since the age of 16 (AWESOME!).  Love her to stinkin' pieces! LOL!...She knows who she is.  In addition to her, the Lord has blessed me with other women who are strong, loving, independent, faithful, caring, honest friends! A couple more from childhood/teen years and other friendships that have been made in my adult life; and if you're like me, making true friends as an adult tends to be harder...I'm not sure why but it just tends to be harder.  Maybe, its because we're so busy being married and being moms and working and the house and blah, blah, blah....maybe, we're just cautious of people based on passed relationships, maybe, maybe, maybe. Whatever!  We all have some kind of past "friendship" that went sour.  Don't let that keep you from future friendships.  

I'm saying all of this because we as humans need other humans in our lives, whether you want to accept it or not.  Don't be toxic to yourself by being by yourself.  I don't mean "alone time" which we all need every now and then...I mean don't seclude yourself from society.  Closing yourself off to people will make you depressed, angry, miserable, blah!  You don't want to be blah! Right? Blah is whack! lol! That could lead to sickness, which leads to medication, which leads to side effects from the medication, which leads to more medication, which leads to more expenses, which lead to mis-managing your budget, which leads to not paying your bills, which leads to not having hot water, which leads to being stinky....oh gosh! Don't get stinky...because then you won't even want to be around yourself, ewww.  Connect with people please!  Make friends!  

Ecclesiastes 4:9-10
Two are better than one because they have a good return for their hard work.  If either should fall, one can pick up the other.  But how miserable are those who fall and don't have a companion to help them up!

So with that said go out and make a friend, or a few!  Need help?  Start with a kind word and a smile :)
Ephesians 4:29
Don't let any foul words come out of your mouth.  Only say what is helpful when it is needed for building up the community so that it benefits those who hear what you say.

OH, P.S......I'm back on track, feeling encouraged and focused.  Thank you! ;-)  More information on that is coming in the near future! Stayed tuned.

Quoting a beautiful young lady, Carly Ortiz: 
Blessed. Learning to embrace the positive, and ignore the negative. Constructive criticism is always welcomed, but don't try to shoot me down, because its a waste of time.


  1. This is how I felt this week it a sickness in our water...great blog!!!

  2. Fashionable late because it was what I needed to hear. This week I too was discouraged by 2 people I would call friends because of their lack of being friendly and making time to be a friend but what I failed to see was that in the midst of their busy I had other amazing women that I woke up to pray with everyday and that is better than anytime spent alone. Xo

  3. Awesome Gloria! Great reminder! You are an awesome writer!

  4. That was a great read.. and I'm glad you're not letting anyone dampen your flow. As your friend, I'm very proud of you...

    1. Thank you know you're one of my "True" friends.
      Love you bunches!
